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A Guide To Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know

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Pregnancy is a wondrous time, but you will gain some weight during it. Though certain things, like weight gain, cannot be avoided, there are things you can do to help make your pregnancy positive. Use the tips in this article to achieve a fit and healthy pregnancy.

pregnancy diarrheaPregnancy can improve your olfactory, so typical, everyday scents can make you nauseous. Dip a handkerchief in lavender or lemon oil and carry it with you. The scents in these oils can help you reduce odor-induced nausea. You can pull out the handkerchief and whiff the oil when passing stinky garbage cans, or other odors that bother you.

Tell your doctor if you notice swelling in your feet after becoming pregnant. This is sometimes a part of pregnancy, but it can be a warning sign of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is dangerous and causes high blood pressure. If you're suffering from preeclampsia, your doctor needs to take of it as soon as possible to protect your health and that of your child.

Wear maternity clothing that fits you. Some women don't want to wear maternity clothes, preferring to continue to wear their pre-pregnancy clothing. If you purchase clothes that fit your expanding girth, you will be happier and far more comfortable.

It is very important that women, especially pregnant women avoid overexposure to the sun. Your skin will be more sensitive when pregnant. It will be easier to get sunburned and develop more serious problems, such as skin cancer.

Visit your doctor before you become pregnant! Talk to your physician prior to conceiving to be sure that you have yourself a healthy pregnancy. If any changes need to be made, they should be made now in order to enhance your chances of conceiving.

Find out if you're pregnant as soon as possible. If you don't take a pregnancy test in a timely manner, you may miss the opportunity to receive important prenatal care or experience preventable complications.

Speak to your doctor prior to you making travel plans, when pregnant. Ensure that your medical records are traveling with you, just in case there are any issues.

Don't sit too long. Like many expectant moms, your feet and ankles may swell in the evenings. This happens because of the extra strain on the circulatory system, especially that of the lower body, in late pregnancy. The diarrhea-Pregnancy.com longer you sit down, the worse the swelling can be. To reduce such swelling, try sleeping on the left side of your body and soaking your feet in cool water. Also, don't wear socks with tight elastic bands, and when sitting, avoid crossing your ankles.

Pregnant and traveling? Ensure there is adequate medical care where you're going. It's crucial that you have access to a doctor throughout your entire nine months, in case a situation arises. If you're traveling, you'll also want to keep a cell phone with you.

There are many different ways to deal with a pregnancy. You might not have all of these issue with your current pregnancy, but you might have them in a later pregnancy. Enjoy the journey you are about to embark on, and learn as much as you can to make it a smooth one.
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